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  • The Merck Index
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  • The Merck Index, chemistry's constant companion, is an encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs and biologicals with over 10,000 monographs on single substances or groups of related compounds.

    Fully Searchable
    The Merck Index in its new fully searchable ChemOffice format makes it far easier and faster to search and get results, particularly when you have only partial information such as a synonym or molecular formula. It also facilitates structure and substructure searches. Instead of consulting the auxiliary indices (names, formulas, CAS registry numbers and therapeutic category) and then turning to the actual monograph, all searching can be done from a single form.

    Integrated Information
    Having The Merck Index in ChemOffice format confers another valuable benefit: integration with other information sources. For example, after locating a substance in The Merck Index, it is a simple matter to copy the name, structure or other data elements and use one or more of them to interrogate ChemACX.Com to find out whether there are commercial suppliers of the substance. The structures could be used as input to Chem3D to obtain three-dimensional models and to perform electronic structure and physical property calculations. Information can also be brought into any ChemOffice or ChemOffice WebServer utility, including ChemDraw for Excel, ChemFinder for Word, E-Notebook and the Chemical Registration System.

    Enterprise Edition
    The enterprise edition, designed for workgroups and larger user communities, is served by the ChemOffice WebServer to connected users. The Merck Index thus adds to the growing set of reference databases served by the ChemOffice WebServer. Just as ChemOffice integrates the desktop edition of The Merck Index with the scientist's everyday activities, the enterprise edition becomes an integral part of the applications deployed on the ChemOffice WebServer.

    ChemOffice WebServer provides a full range of compound and reaction databases essential for research. Databases are available over the Internet at, or over corporate intranets.

    ChemACX and ChemACX-SC, Available Chemicals Xchange, is a large and growing source for information on compound availability. It includes compounds from Aldrich, Fisher, Fluka, Acros, ICN, Lancaster, TCI, Alfa Æsar, Avocado, and Maybridge with over 200 suppliers and over 500,000 products. ChemACX is available for business-to-business e-commerce, and includes a library for screening and combinatorial chemistry.

    The Merck Index is an encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs and biologicals with over 10,000 monographs on single substances or groups of related compounds.

    ChemINDEX includes ChemFinder.Com, public NCI compounds and others, which together include more compounds and structures than Merck Index and CRC Properties of Organic Compounds combined.

    World Drug Index (WDI) from Derwent contains over 58,000 compounds with known biological activity either available as drugs or submitted for clinical development. WDI classifies compounds according to type of biological activity, mechanisms of action, synonyms, trade names, manufacturers, references and more.

    Current Chemical Reactions (CCR) from ISI is both a current awareness and a data mining application used to design chemical syntheses. Renowned for its quality, CCR contains information from over 300,000 articles reporting the complete synthesis of molecules. Updated daily, the CCR is also an excellent way to stay on top of recent developments.

    ChemReact and ChemSynth from InfoChem are carefully selected from a database of over 2.5 million reactions through an automated process of reaction classification. With over 390,000 reaction types, ChemReact is for expert synthetic chemists designing novel syntheses. Entries in ChemSynth are further refined to reactions from ChemReact with over 50% yield and which have been reported at least twice in the literature.

    ChemRXN is a refined selection of over 29,000 fully atom-mapped reactions. Including carefully selected reactions from InfoChem's ChemSelect database and ISI's ChemPrep database, ChemRXN is a terrific combination of utility.

    World Drug Alerts (WDA) from Derwent is a current awareness application providing information on patents, new biologically active compounds, new methods for synthesizing drugs and other data gathered after careful review. It is a requirement for effective decision making in all stages of drug design.

    Investigational Drugs Database (ID db) from Current Drugs is the world's leading competitor intelligence service on drug R&D. Updated weekly, it covers all aspects of drug development world wide, from first patent to eventual launch or discontinuation.

    Safety MSDS
    ChemMSDX provides over 7,000 material safety datasheets.

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